Shivaji College, University of Delhi
Ring Road, Raja Garden, New Delhi - 110027

All fields and questions marked with '**' are mandatory!

  Part A - Academic Student Satisfaction Survey
  Dear Student! All questions are mandatory.
Questions Please read the questions carefully and check the relevant checkbox against each question.
1. How much syllabus was covered in the class?**  85 to 100%  70 to 84%  55 to 69%  30 to 54%  Below 30%
2. Are your teachers well-prepared for class?**  Excellent  Very Good  Good  Average  Below Average
3. How effectively do your teachers communicate in class?**  Excellent  Very Good  Good  Average  Below Average
4. In classroom, the teachers illustrate concepts through examples and applications.**  Always  Usually  Occasionally/Sometimes  Rarely  Never
5. Do teachers conduct internal assessment regularly?**  Always  Usually  Occasionally/Sometimes  Rarely  Never
6. Do you find the teachers in your department approachable as and when required?font color="red">**  Fully  Reasonably  Partially  Slightly  Not at all
7. The teachers identify your weakness and help you overcome them.**  Always  Usually  Occasionally/Sometimes  Rarely  Never
8. Are mentor mentee meetings conducted regularly?**  Always  Usually  Occasionally/Sometimes  Rarely  Never
9. The mentoring process in your institution facilitates your emotional growth.**  Significantly  Very well  Moderately  Marginally  Not at all
10. Does your institution promote internship?**  To a great extent  Moderate  Some what  Very Little  Not at all
11. Do you agree that the extra curricular activities in the College provide ample opportunities to you for developing your skill and talents?**  Strongly agree  Agree  Neutral  Disagree  Strongly disagree
12. The teachers adopt student-centric methods, such as experiential learning, and participative learning for enhancing learning experiences.**  To a great extent  Moderate  Some what  Very little  Not at all
13. Efforts are made by the teachers to inculcate soft and social skills to make you future ready.**  To a great extent  Moderate  Some what  Very little  Not at all
14. Do teachers use ICT tools such as LCD projector, multimedia, Zoom, Microsoft Teams etc. as and when required?**  Always  Usually  Occasionally/Sometimes  Rarely  Never
15. The overall quality of teaching- learning process in your institution is very good.**  Strongly agree  Agree  Neutral  Disagree  Strongly disagree
  Part B - Infrastructure and College Environment
  Dear Student! All questions are mandatory.
Questions Please read the questions carefully and check the relevant checkbox against each question.
1. Are you a regular user of the sports infrastructure in college?**  Yes  No (If no, Skip question no.2)  
2. Does your college have adequate sports infrastructure which fulfils your requirement?**  Strongly agree  Agree  Neutral  Disagree  Strongly disagree  
3. Are your science/computer laboratories well-equipped according to curricular requirements? (If you don’t need labs, please tick NOT APPLICABLE)**  Excellent  Very Good  Good  Average  Below Average  Not Applicable
4. Is the laboratory staff cooperative?**  Strongly agree  Agree  Neutral  Disagree  Strongly disagree  
5. How would you rate the collection and availability of books and journals of your subject in the college library? **  Excellent  Very good  Good  Average  Below average  
6. Is the library staff cooperative?**  Strongly agree  Agree  Neutral  Disagree  Strongly disagree  
7. How would you rate your experience while dealing with administrative staff in the office?**  Excellent  Very Good  Good  Average  Below average  
8. How effectively is discipline maintained in the college?**  Excellent  Very Good  Good  Average  Below average  
9. Are you able to maintain balance between academic routine and extracurricular activities?**  Always  Usually  Occasionally/Sometimes  Rarely  Never  
10. Rate the regularity of the following as applicable: a. Tutorials (Humanities/Commerce) b. Practicals (Sciences) ****  90-100%  80-90%  70-80%  60-70%  50-60%  Not Applicable
Note: Provide three observation/suggestions to improve the overall teaching-learning experience in your institution. (Optional)